Finished Team Building IV: Conflict Management, required reading and testing for work and to add to my ceu's for my RN license. It was interesting how to deal with conflict between people at work and promote harmony. My first instinct is avoidance for any conflict but came to my attention as I read this lesson that I should welcome conflict to learn and develop better teamwork. Groupthink is when everyone always agrees because they lack focus and are kind of afraid to disagree. They do not want to upset the to say. Please be praying for me.
Also reading "Freedom" A novel from Jonathan Franzen...and daily journaling devotional "Jesus Calling".
Went shopping with Gloria and helped her pick out skinny jeans and boots at the Buckle.
Defiance last night and what a good movie and a true story...received many awards. The Bielski brothers Tuvia and Zus lead others to live and carve out a life in the Bialowieg Forrest hiding from the Nazis. This forrest is located in Poland. I would love to visit this area. They lived there for 2 years and build schools, stores and homes while hiding and being discreet to the outside society.
I especially like the actor Liev Schreiber who played Zus. And to think Zus was born in the same year as my Mom....1912. Want to read the book now.

Listened to Pearl his voice in "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter" ...also the words.
I seem to recognize your face
Haunting, familiar, yet I can't seem to place it
Cannot find the candle of thought to light your name
Lifetimes are catching up with me
All these changes taking place, I wish I'd seen the place
But no one's ever taken me
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
I swear I recognize your breath
Memories like fingerprints are slowly raising
Me, you wouldn't recall, for I'm not my former
It's hard when, you're stuck upon the shelf
I changed by not changing at all, small town predicts my fate
Perhaps that's what no one wants to see
I just want to scream- hello
My God its been so long, never dreamed you'd return
But now here you are, and here I am
Hearts and thoughts they fade, away
Hearts and thoughts they fade, away
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade

Looked up Staghorn Fern and what I should do with it. It likes to grow on tree bark and likes a moist environment. They say you could attach it to a board and hang it up. Or put bark in a hanging basket and put it in ...anyhow..poor thing will try to do right by it. Normally grows well in Hawaii but here in Illinois will have to provide moist air.

What am I growing??? Trying to keep the plants warm till I can bring them in. Quite a few lemons and oranges on the trees. Just need to find select spots in the house to keep them until next spring.