Just like a telephone call this blog is for...

A Peek into our lives....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Food Revolution

Lilac Bush with purple lilac..smells so nice!

My hat is off to Jamie Oliver for his Food Revolution which is a television show that informs people about school lunches. He went into the schools and encouraged them to serve fresh instead of the processed food that is laden with calories and not so good for you. He really had an up hill battle because of course the food is government subsidized and cheap. Also easy to fix and serve up. I have long thought that the food in schools could be better. Also to take out the candy and pop machines. I was encouraged when the cooks and teachers finally understood what he was telling them that to save our children we need to start giving them better food.

He also has cooking shows and books out.

I especially like his book Jamie At Home!
He inspires me to try new things and new recipes.

No excuse for our bad eating habits....we have the knowledge and power to grow our own food and fix it fresh. Eat less meat and more fresh fruit and vegetables.

It is a stormy night here...tornato warnings tonight so I am outside taking pictures. My Wisteria has finally bloomed this year...long, purple blooms... so pretty. This plant is huge against the deck.http://www.jamieoliver.com/ Please sign the petition on Jamie's site!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Leah Rose Kirby

Megan and I went to the gift shop after Leah was born to look around. Megan picked out a tootsie pop for herself and then said..."This one is for Leah".

Presenting at 2:24 pm in the Blessing Hospital in Quincy ..... Leah Rose Kirby!

6 pounds and 11 ounces
18 inches long

Mom, Dad, Megan and Leah are doing great!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Treadmill heaven

Alice really likes the new treadmill we got last month. She likes to lay on it and imagine exercising....I want to be like Alice.....no worries...sleeping....resting on the treadmill.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter! We had a Good Friday celebration yesterday. Megan thought it was her birthday because we had an cake. It was a rainy day but Rudy still cooked out on the grill in the garage.
We had an Easter egg hunt inside. It was a fun day. Ginger and family could not make it but will be over another time. I splurged and bought a new coolpix Nikon camera...now just have to learn how to use it correctly.