Just like a telephone call this blog is for...

A Peek into our lives....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

To live content with small means.... To seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion.... To be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich.... To study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly.... To listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart.... To bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never.... In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common....
...........this is to be my symphony.

William Henry Channing

Monday, October 19, 2009


I am hearing more than the usual about Norway these past few days. I was thrilled to hear our President had received the award. But was wondering exactly what the five people on the committee were really thinking. Sometimes we make decisions and without being fully understanding of this decision will have hidden underpinnings. The one man and 4 women that decided on our President might sway his thoughts on war. Sending more troops into Afghanistan and Pakistan would be a decision he would make or not make with truly agonizing thoughts.

It is interesting to read about the committee and that there is only one man. They all are around my age. I can remember when Henry Kissinger received the award the year I graduated from high school.

The one I hold in most high esteem and adored completely was Mother Theresa when she was awarded in 1979. For her compassion for others less fortunate and complete disregard for her own health and well being. And Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964 for his vision and fight for equality.

I just want to say to the committee that giving the award to President Obama is an award to all our past Presidents. Including President Bush for paving the way for continued Freedom for our country. Please take a look at past President Bush accomplishments!

On the flip side of courage are the Birdman of Norway who jump off a hugh mountain to fly in a special suit in excess of 140 mph. mm .............I want to do that!


It's not pretty when Alice is hungry..

I came home today to very loud sounds coming from the cat section...namely Alice. She looked at me like someone that looks at you when they cut you off in line. She ran straight to her bowl and low and behold ....it was empty. Good think I keep extra cat food. Anyhow..here is a photo.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

girls weekend

Cheyenne and Autumn spent the weekend with me. We went to see the movie "Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs". Which was really action packed. Autumn got her moneys worth of free refills of slushies. Time goes by to quickly and they are growing up so fast.
So it is very nice to spend time with them.

Friday, October 9, 2009

It's the raspberries!

Apples, popcorn balls and a sweet potato all in a nice holiday fall basket...the glass/ pitcher set I got at a yard sale last weekend...coffee and a beer bottle..all in one photo. The story of our lives.

Well I carried in all my plants since the weather is looking cold and bleak. The animals are trying to get in and I picked all the berries. The basil is still looking good though.

I checked on Robin Williams tour and he will be in St. Louis on November 1. I can remember Williams when he was Mork in Mork and Mindy back in the 70s.....Yipes...I just like to watch him get carried away.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

taking photos

My battery was dead yesterday when I wanted to take some pictures. So now have it charged up and ready to go. This is what I look like usually in the car *(Not driving) .. and at family functions.

Me, my camera and my pearls...(courtesy of Åsa & Matthew).

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wedding Anniversary

And we got to take care of Megan while Scott and Gloria went out.
It was a fun evening. Megan has a routine and we tried to follow it.
Here are a few pictures.

Fun Blog

New blog from Sweden featuring Asa and Matthew. It is so much fun to look and see what is going on in your side of the world.

Thank you...it is very interesting and good.