Just like a telephone call this blog is for...

A Peek into our lives....

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happenings today...

Have been listening to a radio show on the way to work and it is so good.  Usually ministers on the radio are loud and demanding but this person was easy to listen and actually made sense on how to live your life.
His comments are ones that I could use at work and in other areas of my life.  Here is his website which I refer  and will listen to Dr. David Jeremiah every chance I get.  http://www.davidjeremiah.org

Have planted my radishes, letteces and kale along with my vining moonflowers.  Today it is raining so hope they all come up happy.

We had a great time on Leah's first birthday party.
Gloria, Leah, Megan, Autumn and Trigger.

Leah and her Dad

Leah, GM and Ozzie

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